Sunday, September 29, 2024
Since 1954 the people at Lima Baptist Temple have been sacrificing their time, talents, and treasures to see the Gospel go forward. We take the changeless Gospel to an always changing culture.
"For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake." - 2 Corinthians 4:5
Our Vision and Goal for 2024 is simple.
Every Family, Every Person Engaged for our Neighbors and the Nations
70 Years Celebration
September 29th | 10:00 AM & 11:00 AM
On this special Sunday we are going to thank God for all He has done in and through our church since the humble beginnings at the Majestic Theater. We are in a new season at Lima Baptist Temple. Invite a friend and join us as we celebrate and pray for God to do abundantly more the next 70 years!
Everyone is invited to a church wide luncheon following the service. Chicken, BBQ Ribs, along with mac and cheese will be provided. Last Name A – K bring a dessert. L – Z bring a Salad, vegetable, or side dish. Suggested serving sizes of at least 8. The kitchen will be open by 9:30 AM that day to drop off your fully prepared food.
10:00 AM – A Look Back through the Years.
You'll have the chance to hear from some of our previous pastors and team and celebrate all that God has done. All Adult and Teen Sunday Morning Groups will meet in the auditorium.
11:00 AM – Worship and a Message from Pastor Ben. It's Family 5th Sunday. Kids 4 years old and up will worship with their families.
12:15 PM – Church Wide Luncheon in the back Activity Building
1:00 PM - Inflatables and Games on the East Lawn